Indian Tube Worm (Sabellastarte spectabilis)

Also known as Banded Fan Worm, Fan Worm, Feather Duster, Feather Tube Worm, Indian Fan Worm, Indian Feather Duster Worm, Indo-Pacific Tube Worm, Marine Bristle Worm, Rock Worm, Segmented Sea Worm, Tubeworm


Also known as Banded Fan Worm, Fan Worm, Feather Duster, Feather Tube Worm, Indian Fan Worm, Indian Feather Duster Worm, Indo-Pacific Tube Worm, Marine Bristle Worm, Rock Worm, Segmented Sea Worm, Tubeworm.

Found singly or in small colonies, in cracks, or buried in sandy substrate, over shallow, moderate surge zones, of coral and rocky reefs. Colours vary.
They feed on zooplankton.
Width - 8cm
Depth - 0-10m
Widespread Caribbean, Indo-Pacific

Segmented worms are extremely mobile, have strong jaws for hunting and feeding on their prey.
Some worms are covered in hairs for protection, scavenging on the sea floor for detritus.
Others are delicate fans, protected by their self made tubes, which they retreat back into when threatened, these are filter feeders and feed on plankton. Ref:


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