Incognito Goby (Gobius incognitus)

Also known as Anemone Goby, Gudgeon, Reef Goby, Striped Goby


Also known as Anemone Goby, Gudgeon, Reef Goby, Striped Goby.

Found over various substrates, in coastal areas, often rich in algae growth. Sometimes found hiding in the arms of the Mediterranean Snakelocks Sea Anemone - Anemonia sulcata.
They feed on algae and small invertebrates.
Length - 9.5cm
Depth - 0-12m
Widespread Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean

They have a symbiotic relationship with Snakelocks Anemone - Anemonia viridis

Reef Gobies have the largest and smallest species usually with very distinctive colouring. Ref:


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