Highcrest Triplefin (Enneapterygius pusillus)

Also known as Pixie Triplefin, Threefin, Threefin Blenny, Triplefin


Also known as Pixie Triplefin, Threefin, Threefin Blenny, Triplefin.

Found close to reef bases, blending in with dead corals and stones, on mud, and silty sand substrates, over sheltered bays and lagoons, rich in algae growth.
They feed on small invertebrates.
Length - 3cm
Depth - 3-20m
Widespread Indian Ocean

This fish can show red fluorescence from parts of its body when using a filter because of the presence of "guanine crystals"

These Blenny related fish have three fins which gives them the their name "Triplefins" Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/Enneapterygius-pusillus.html


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