Fairy Cichlid (Neolamprologus brichardi)

Also known as Brichardi Cichlid, Brichardi Lyretail Cichlid, Fairy Cichlid Brichardi, Lyretail Cichlid, Princess Cichlid, Princess-of-Burundi, Princess-of-Burundi Cichlid


Also known as Brichardi Cichlid, Brichardi Lyretail Cichlid, Fairy Cichlid Brichardi, Lyretail Cichlid, Princess Cichlid, Princess-of-Burundi, Princess-of-Burundi Cichlid.

Found in caves or tunnels under rocks in very rocky areas of Lake Tanganyika, endemic to the North Shore.
They feed on zooplankton.
Length - 9cm
Depth - 3-30m
Africa - Lake Tanganyika

A freshwater fish often seen in the aquarium trade.
These fish brood their eggs in their mouths to protect their young. Ref: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Neolamprologus-brichardi.html


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