Chinook Salmon (Juvenile) (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

Also known as Blackmouth, Chinook, King Salmon, Kippered Salmon, Pacific Chinook Salmon, Pacific Salmon, Quinnat, Quinnat Salmon, Salmon Royal, Smilie, Spring Salmon, Tyee


Also known as Blackmouth, Chinook, King Salmon, Kippered Salmon, Pacific Chinook Salmon, Pacific Salmon, Quinnat, Quinnat Salmon, Salmon Royal, Smilie, Spring Salmon, Tyee.

Found in schools, over lakes, rivers, streams, and in the sea.
They feed on small crustaceans, fish, insects, and invertebrates.
Length - 150cm
Depth - 0-375m
Widespread Arctic Ocean, Northeast Pacific, Northwest Pacific

Common name refers to the Chinookan Peoples.

Salmonidae start their lives in rivers they then move to the sea where they spend most of their lives before returning to the rivers to spawn and then die! Ref:

Related creatures

Heads up! Many creatures change during their life. Juvenile fish become adults and some change shape or their colour. Some species change sex and others just get older. The following creature(s) are known relatives of the Chinook Salmon (Juvenile). Click the image(s) to explore further or hover over to get a better view!

Chinook Salmon

Chinook Salmon

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