Campbells Goby (Istigobius campbelli)

Also known as Campbell's Sandgoby, Gudgeon, Pugnose Goby, Sandgoby


Also known as Campbell's Sandgoby, Gudgeon, Pugnose Goby, Sandgoby.

Found singly, or in small schools, over shallow, sandy bottoms, close to crevices and holes for shelter.
They feed on small invertebrates.
Length - 7cm
Depth - 3-14m
Widespread North-West Pacific

These Gobies feed by taking a mouthful of sand that is filtered through the gills for tiny creatures.
They make large homes on sandy areas below rocks, with a small entrance that is covered over at night, when predators are near these Gobies dive into the sand and swim through the sand to escape danger. Ref:


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