Also known as Box Crab, Calico Box Crab, Crazy Crab, Crazy Shame-faced Crab, Dolly Varden Crab, Flecked Box Crab, Gulf Calico Crab, Lady Crab, Leopard Crab, Shame-faced Crab, Stone Crab, True Crab, Walking Crab.
Found often buried during the day in sand, with only the eyes showing, or on the sand, with a sea anemone on its back for protection, over mud and sandy bottoms. When food comes along it will erupt, from its hiding place to seize its prey!
They feed nocturnally on small fish and invertebrates.
Length - 7cm
Depth - 0-90m
Widespread Western Atlantic, Caribbean
Box crab are named because of the way they can tuck their legs into their bodies giving the appearance of a neat box. Shame-faced is from the way their claws fold in in front of their face, as if hiding it in shame. Ref:
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