Cachama (Colossoma macropomum)

Also known as Blackfin Pacu, Black-finned Pacu, Black Pacu, Gamitana, Giant Pacu, Pacu, Red-bellied Pacu, Tambaqui


Also known as Blackfin Pacu, Black-finned Pacu, Black Pacu, Gamitana, Giant Pacu, Pacu, Red-bellied Pacu, Tambaqui.

Found singly, in freshwater flood plains and flooded areas of forest.
They feed on fruit, grains, insects, decaying plants, snails and zooplankton.
Juveniles found in black waters of flood plains.
Length - 100cm
Depth - 5-?m
South America - Amazon and Orinoco Basins

Piranha's have a fearsome reputation (because of James bond 007) as a voracious predator that can strip flesh off bones in minutes, although they have razor sharp teeth they are in fact quite timid scavengers. Ref:


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