When disaster strikes and ‘Pollution’ occurs, the Coral Reef and fish population suffer. However The fish recover quickly and are back to similar levels within the year. Unfortunately the Coral Reef is slower and takes about 5 years as long as their is no ongoing pollution, otherwise re-growth is significantly stunted.
Fish Food
In the beginning there are Phytoplankton.(Algae with chlorophyll) they provide nourishment for both Zooplankton(organisms drifting in the water)and energy for the biological pump(an important source of Carbon,basically a compost heap on the ocean floor, required for life in general)and Krill(shrimp like crustaceans,and small fry). Phytoplankton multiply in cold waters as do their predators the Zooplankton and Krill.These…
How Fish Swim
Swimming muscles make up the bulk of a fish's body.They are arranged in sections, identical on either side of the body.Contracting on one side causes stretching on the other, resulting in a wave like motion passing down the body giving propulsion.Fast swimmers like Tuna and Jacks are able to thrust their body and tails from side to…
Dive Bonaire
The home of diving freedom. Just what does that mean? well for whatsthatfish it meant 10 days of diving at our own pace, on our own, and choosing where and when to dive. The only limiting factor was the mosquitoes which were out in swarms and the odd current. Boat diving, as per usual, is available from…
Distinguishing Diving & the bends, from Dengue fever & Meningitis
Dengue is a viral disease, spread by mosquitoes which causes a high temperature, headache , muscle and joint pains and usually a rash. It occurs in almost all of the warm water diving locations around the world. Now compare those symptoms with a mild attack of “The Bends” and you have a dilemma. (read on as it…
Bonaire, Mosquitoes & Dengue Fever
Having recently been diving off the shores of Bonaire during their worst rains in living memory, the mosquitoes have been out in force. They were a pain, especially when we were warned about the big mosquito with black and white legs, the Dengue mosquito. All sorts of myths abound about its biting habits, some say dawn &…
Bonaire – Death in Bonaire!!
Bonaire deaths occur on a daily basis! No not divers but Lionfish!! Lionfish are not native to this Caribbean Island but have arrived! How come, Well several theories abound. 1. Did they swim? Maybe the water seemed better on this side of the ocean! 2. Did bad weather and predators send them in search of a new…
Lionfish in the Caribbean
Many nonindigenous marine species have been introduced into new environments as a result of human activity. Transfers, either intentionally or not, occur by many vectors including ships ballast water which is necessary for safe ship operations and which may be taken on at the port of departure, both discharged and taken on during the voyage, and finally…
Right fish wrong place
Another consequence of fish relocating (see blog 26/10/2011) is their occurrence in front of your very lens when diving in habitats where they shouldn’t be.(according to the books) I often receive photo’s from divers around the world asking is this a ‘pink, upside down, black-spotted hose fish’ etc when they know that it is, but it has…
LAX left luggage
Flying to the South Pacific recently from the UK, we stopped off in LA for a few days. We had all of our dive gear and more (a bicycle). we planned to leave our luggage and fly cheaply to Phoenix. At present there isn’t a left luggage facility in LAX. the solution was, either upgrade to business…