Spectacled Box Crab (Calappa philargius)

Also known as Box Crab, Brickred Box Crab, Fourspot Box Crab, Four-spotted Box Crab, Redspot Box Crab, Red-spotted Box Crab, Shameface Crab, Shame-faced Crab, Spotted Box Crab


Also known as Box Crab, Brickred Box Crab, Fourspot Box Crab, Four-spotted Box Crab, Redspot Box Crab, Red-spotted Box Crab, Shameface Crab, Shame-faced Crab, Spotted Box Crab.

Found moving slowly over mud, rubble, sand, and seagrass bottoms, of coral and rocky reefs.
They feed on sea snails.
Length - 12cm
Depth - 0-100m
Widespread West Pacific

Box crab are named because of the way they can tuck their legs into their bodies giving the appearance of a neat box. Shame-faced is from the way their claws fold in in front of their face, as if hiding it in shame. (edit) Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calappa_(crab)


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