French Angelfish (Juvenile) (Pomacanthus paru)

Also known as French Angel, French Angela


Also known as French Angel, French Angela.

Found singly or in pairs, often close to sea fans, over shallow, coral and rocky reefs, rich in coral growth.
They feed on algae, gorgonians, invertebrates, sponges, and tunicates.
Juveniles act as cleanerfish at cleaning stations.
Length - 40cm
Depth - 3-100m
Widespread Eastern Atlantic, Western Atlantic, Caribbean

Angelfish are usually brightly coloured with highly compressed bodies.
Some live in "harems" others in pairs, they can be highly territorial and make a loud drumming sound when alarmed. Ref:

Related creatures

Heads up! Many creatures change during their life. Juvenile fish become adults and some change shape or their colour. Some species change sex and others just get older. The following creature(s) are known relatives of the French Angelfish (Juvenile). Click the image(s) to explore further or hover over to get a better view!

French Angelfish

French Angelfish

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