Bottlefish (Utrem Episcipos)

Also known as Brown Bottle, Brown Bottlefish,Bottle, Green Bottlefish, Longsnouth Bottlefish, Plonk, Vintage


Also known as Brown Bottle, Brown Bottlefish, Green Bottle, Green Bottlefish, Longsnout Bottle, Plonk, Vintage.

Found in “Harems” having escaped from their cellar master, bobbing and rolling around, close to the surface of lakes and rivers after their cellars have been inundated by flooding.
Have a definite preference for cellar owners with Classic Cars.
Collected for their vintage, taste and rarity! - both bottle fish & cars.
Distinguished by their lack of label , which allocates them to this species.
Only identified when un- corked.
They live in both cold and warm climates
Length - 30cm usually , depends on origin
Depth - Shallow ( if drunk), sunk ( if full)
Found exclusively in South Devon after heavy rains.

These rare Bottlefish are unique, as they are not eaten but opened at the top and poured into a glass to be drunk! Ref: Xxxxxxxxx


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