Smooth Blaasop (Lagocephalus inermis)

Also known as Blowfish, Pufferfish, Smoothback Puffer, Smoothback Pufferfish, Smooth-backed Blowfish, Smooth Golden Toadfish, Smooth Northern Toadfish, Toadfish


Also known as Blowfish, Pufferfish, Smoothback Puffer, Smoothback Pufferfish, Smooth-backed Blowfish, Smooth Golden Toadfish, Smooth Northern Toadfish, Toadfish.

Found singly, pairs, or in schools, over sandy bottoms, of coastal reefs.
They feed on crustaceans.
Length - 90cm
Depth - 10-200m
Widespread Indo-West Pacific

The bodies of Pufferfish are covered in a toxic mucus, if the skin or flesh is consumed it can be fatal to humans.
When threatened they will puff up like a football to deter predators. Ref:


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