Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus)

Also known as Castor Oilfish, Escolars, Night Barracuda, Plaintail, Scourfish, White Tuna


Also known as Castor Oilfish, Escolar, Night Barracuda, Plaintail, Scourfish, White Tuna.

Found singly or in pairs close to the bottom of the continental shelf or in very deep oceanic waters, migrating far offshore.
They feed on crustaceans, fish and squid.
The flesh of this fish is very oily and has a high wax ester content that is indigestible and acts as a laxative!
Length - 300cm
Depth - 100-800m

Gempylida are deepwater fish and important commercial and game fish, their skin is rough and like Barracudas have fang-like teeth! Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/ruvettus-pretiosus.html


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