Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)

Also known as Char, Great Lake Char, Great Lake Trout, Grey Trout, Lake Char, Lake Trout, Laker, Land-locked Salmon, Mackinaw Trout, Masamacrush, Mountain Trout, Namaycush, Salmon Trout, Siscowet, Togue, Trout


Also known as Char, Great Lake Char, Great Lake Trout, Grey Trout, Lake Char, Lake Trout, Laker, Land-locked Salmon, Mackinaw Trout, Masamacrush, Mountain Trout, Namaycush, Salmon Trout, Siscowet, Togue, Trout.

Found singly, wandering over shallow and deep waters, of northern lakes and streams.
They feed on crustaceans, fish, insects, plankton and freshwater sponges.
Length - 150cm
Depth - 3-60m
Widespread North America

Salmonidae start their lives in rivers they then move to the sea where they spend most of their lives before returning to the rivers to spawn and then die! Ref:


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