Dusky Smooth-hound (Mustelus canis)

Also known as American Smooth Dogfish, Atlantic Smooth Dogfish, Dogfish, Dog Shark, Grayfish, Ground Shark, Nurse Shark, Smooth Dog, Smooth Dogfish, Smooth Hound, Smooth Hound Shark


Also known as American Smooth Dogfish, Atlantic Smooth Dogfish, Dogfish, Dog Shark, Grayfish, Ground Shark, Nurse Shark, Smooth Dog, Smooth Dogfish, Smooth Hound, Smooth Hound Shark.

Found in schools, over mud and sand bottoms, in shallow, to intertidal deep waters, over insular shelves and upper slopes of the continental shelf.
They feed on large crustaceans mainly crabs and lobsters.
Length - 150cm
Depth - 0-800m
Widespread Northwest Atlantic, Western Atlantic

Found in warm and temperate coastal seas. Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/Mustelus-canis.html


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