Bowfin (Amia calva)

Also known as Amia, Beaverfish, Blackfish, Cottonfish, Cypress Trout, Freshwater Dogfish, Grindle, Grinnel, Lawyer, Marshfish, Mudfish, Mud Pike, Scaled Ling, Speckled Cat, Western Mudfish


Also known as Amia, Beaverfish, Blackfish, Cottonfish, Cypress Trout, Freshwater Dogfish, Grindle, Grinnel, Lawyer, Marshfish, Mudfish, Mud Pike, Scaled Ling, Speckled Cat, Western Mudfish.

Found in both clear and swampy backwaters, and lakes, with lots of vegetation.
They feed on crayfish, fish, frogs, insects, and shrimps.
Length - 53.4cm
Depth - ?m
Widespread North America

These fish are air-breathers that can withstand high temperatures, which enable them to survive in stagnant areas.
A popular gamefish. Ref:


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