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Amphipods Anglerfishes---Frogfishes antennae Ascidians bandit-mask bands bar bars Basses---Hawkfishes Basses---Kelpfishes Basses---Sunfishes bean-shaped Bivalves black black-bar black-blotch black-blotches black-eye-stripe black-face black-fin-tip black-fin-tips black-lines black-spot black-spots black-stripe black-stripes black-tail-spot blackspots Blennies---Clinids Blennies---Combtooth Blennies Blennies---Labrisomids Blennies---Pike-Tube-Flagblennies Blennies---Triplefin Blennies blotch blotches blotchy blue blue-blotch blue-edge blue-speckles blue-spots blue-stripes Bottle brain bristles brown brown-spot brown-spots brown-stripe bug-eyes bumpy burgundy bush Cardinalfishes carpet Carps---Minnows-Carps Chitons Christmas-tree-lights Cichlids clam coral Crabs cream Cuttlefishes Damselfishes dart-tail dashes donut ear-spot Eels---Moray Eels eye-bars eye-ring eye-stripe Feather Stars feather-fins feathers filament-fin filament-fins filaments fingers flag-tail flowers freshwater fried-eggs furry Fusiliers Gobies gold Gouramies Gouramies---Kissing Gouramies green-tail grey Grinners---Lizardfishes Groupers hairy head-spike hexagonal horns horseshoe hump-head iridescent Jawfishes jigsaw juvenile knobs lavender leaf leaves legs lettuce lilac lines Lobsters---Spiny Lobsters long-nose lumps Mantis Shrimps map-lines marbled Marine Worms---Bristle Worms Marine Worms---Tube Worms mauve mosaic mottled nodules ocellated-spot ocellated-spots olive orange orange-spots Parrotfishes patches pink pink-belly-stripe pink-fins Pipefishes-Seahorses Pipefishes-Seahorses---Ghostpipefishes Puffers-Filefishes---Boxfishes Puffers-Filefishes---Deepwater Boxfishes Puffers-Filefishes---Filefishes Puffers-Filefishes---Porcupinefishes-Burrfishes Puffers-Filefishes---Puffers Puffers-Filefishes---Triggerfishes purple pustules Rabbitfishes Rays---Stingrays-Pacific Eagle Rays red red-eyes red-fins-stripe red-stripes rings Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers Rivulines-Killifishes-Live Bearers---Topminnows-Killifishes saddles sail-fin Sand Dwellers---Sandperches Scorpionfishes---Flatheads Scorpionfishes---Rockfishes scribbles Sea Anemones Sea Cucumbers Sea Slug---Sea Hares Sea Slugs Sea Slugs---Sapsucking Slugs Sea Snails Sea Stars Sea Stars---Brittle Stars Sea Urchins seaweed shaggy Sharks---Carpet-Nurse Sharks shells shiny Shrimps silver skin tags skin-flaps skin-tags Snappers Soft Corals speckled speckles spikes spines spot spots Squids star star-eye Stony Corals stripe stripe-tail striped striped-legs stripes stumpy Surgeonfishes-Tangs-Unicornfishes tags tassels teeth tentacles Threadfin Breams-Whiptail Breams transparent triangle Trumpetfishes Turtles---Sea Turtles ugly urn vase warts warty weedy white spots white-band white-bar white-blotches white-lines white-patches white-scribbles white-spot white-spots white-stripe white-stripes white-tail wings Wrasses yellow yellow-cheek yellow-fins yellow-spot yellow-spots yellow-tail Zoanthids
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